$37.31 spent...$20 coupon still left to spend/roll
This was 2 transactions. In total 3 popcorns (1.33 sale), 3 Green Giant frozen veggies (2.99 sale), 11 boxes Cheerios (1.50 sale), 6 boxes fruit rollups (1.25 sale), 6 boxes fruit snacks(1.25 sale), 5 boxes Rice-a-roni (1.00 sale), 3 boxes Hamburger Helper (1.66 sale), 13 cans Del-Monte tomatoes (1.00 sale).1st transaction:
5 Rice-a-roni ...$5
5 Del Monte Tomatoes...$5
3 Hamburger Helper...$4.98
6 boxes fruit rollups/fruit snacks...$7.50
6 boxes Cheerios...$9
Total: $31.48 - $3.40 coupons (fruit snacks from a blinkie machine on the shelf, Ham Help, Cheerios)
Final Total: $28.08 plus I earned the $20 coupon on my next order...and it gave me a $2 Cheerios coupon which I used again in trans #2
Transaction #2:
6 rollups/fruit snacks...$7.50
5 boxes Cheerios...$7.50
3 boxes Popcorn...$3.99
8 cans Del Monte tomatoes...$8
3 bags Green Giant Veggies 24oz...$8.97
Total: $35.96- $26.65 coupons ($20 Rally coupon, fruit snacks from blinkie machine on the shelf, $2 off instantly from buying 3 Green Giant froz veggies, $1 off Green Giant peelie coupon on the bag, $2 off Cheerios Catalina from 1st trans.)
Final Total:$9.31...plus I earned another $20 coupon on my next order...and another $2 Cheerios coupon
***I will definitely be going at least one more time to roll this $20 coupon...sale runs until 2/26
***Don't forget there are 2000 different items included in this promo, these are just the ones I chose to do.
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