11:41 AM

Target Toy Clearance 75% off

I was not planning on going to this sale, but my nephew's birthday get together is this weekend. So, on my way to Old Navy I stopped in. It was very picked over, but I was able to get 2 good gifts for 75% off (had to get 2 things because the prices were SO LOW I would have felt badly if I only spent $5 on his gift LOL) So, if you need toys, check your Target clearance.


Emilyah said...

Oh man, I was just there yesterday and thought about looking at the toys but chose not to (probably a good thing). Were baby toys, like 12 months+, on sale too?
Is it H's birthday already? It's not on the family website, but I know this nephew of yours must be mine too. ha ha.

Erika said...

Yes, they are doing a joint thing for P and H since they are both this month and P is home for the funeral.

Our store was really picked over, so there wasn't much for infants on the 75% sale. Mostly ages 6-10 boys and girls.

Shauna said...

I made out like a bandit at Target last week. I have enough Birthday gifts for several months, maybe the entire year and did not spend more that $5 on anything.