5:27 PM

Lucky Search

I don't think I've ever done one of these types of prize earning things before. You basically earn your choice of a bunch of different prizes (all around $250) by accomplishing the items listed below this post. I thought since Angie at Frugal Freelancer did it...I would give this one a try just for fun. She always manages to earn these things. Angie started my bargain hunting obsession 7 years ago when I saw her on the Today show and joined her mailing list. I've been following her awesome skills every since. Want to give it a try with me? Click the picture above. I'm shooting for the $250 Lowe's gift card to work on some house projects. If you're a blogger...post your personalized link on your blog and I'll bet you can do this too.

The way that I remember to do the required 1 search per day for the 2 consecutive days after joining...I go to the main page for Lucky Search in this case, then drag it up to my browser toolbar so that I can see it. When I'm done with the 2 day requirement...I just remove it from my toolbar. That is how I earned a big box of free Playskool toys from Cafe Mom last year.

  1. To get your Free Luck Prize, you must add 10 Eligible friends to your Personal Network. Eligible friends will be noted by a legend on the Account page.
  2. To be deemed eligible, your friends must have at least 10 people in their Personal Network, and they must be validated and active members, which means that they sign in and do at least one search on LuckySearch.com in 2 consecutive days following their registration.


Shauna said...

Oh...you are amazing!
After I left the comment on your other blog, I realized that you get a lot of hits via my direction because I am always telling people to click the link to your amazing Bargain skills.

Kelly said...

Just found your blog and it has been some good reading. I am learning a lot. Regarding the Kroger offer (http://peapodbargains.blogspot.com/2008/04/krogerstimulus-check.html), the limit is $1200 per Kroger Plus card. You do not have to buy all the gift cards at once. You can keep coming back until you reach the limit or until July 31.